Featuring Lotte Anker, Anders Banke, Henriette Groth, Nils Davidsen, Peter Bruun, and yours truly.
First release from this new band featuring a bunch of amazing musicians and beautiful people. I have really been looking forward to share this music with You.
Listen here:
Fosterchild / Neue Winde tour, February March 2023
Two ensembles, both including Danish & German musicians.
Anders Mogensen / Hans Ulrik 4tet featuring Pablo Held … & … Fosterchild (Tranberg, Gille, Anderskov,Helm, Arends). Tour in Denmark + Germany: Bornholm, Ollerup, Flensborg, Düsseldorf, Odense, Darmstadt, Köln, Hamburg – 9 musicians, 8 venues;
Feb 21 – Svanekegården, Bornholm
Feb 22 – Ollerup Efterskole
Feb 23 – Flensborghus
Feb 24 – Jazz Schmiede Düsseldorf
Feb 26 – Kulturmaskinen, Odense
Feb 27, Stadtkirche Darmstadt
Feb 28, Loft, Köln
March 4, Jazzfederation Hamburg
The project was supported by Statens Kunstfond, JazzDanmark, Goethe Institut DK, Kapelmesterforeningen, KODA KULTUR (Musikforlæggerforeningen).

Sheet Music Book “The Gemstone Series”
Out now
Thursday Dec. 8th, 2022, the Sheet Music Book “The Gemstone Series – 20 Sonic Complexion Miniatures” is released by ILK Music / ILK Publishing.
Limited first edition, 100 copies. Engraved by Frej Wedlund. Cover design by Neue Pink. Buy your copy at ILK Publishing/ ILK music. Direct link: https://www.ilkmusic.com/products/jacob-anderskov-the-gemstone-series.
The sheet music book contains:
* Twenty compositions: Agate – Amber – Amethyst – Beryl – Bloodstone – Celestite – Colour Shout – Elkhorn Coral – Emerald – Et Tu, Tselec – Fluorite – Mysteries – Opal – Origami Megalith – Pearl – Ruby – Sapphire – Silence of the Stones – Smoky Quartz – Sunstone.
* A preface including suggestions for the interpreting musicians, and background on the making of the music.
* Note stand friendly thickness – book can stand without closing, opened on any page.
* Front and back covers in colour, designed by Neue Pink.
* Easy-to-read engraving by Frej Wedlund, aesthetically set with November2 music font.
* For each composition already recorded, info on which album to find it for listening reference.
Link to excerpt of book (online, pdf): https://usercontent.one/wp/jacobanderskov.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Gemstones-Excerpt_Jacob-Anderskov-Sheetmusic-Book-dec22.pdf?media=1670923044
For info or questions, see the Gemstone Series press release_UK, or Gemstone Series presse-release_DK, or the Gemstone Series shop link at ILK publishing, or contact Jacob Anderskov, see contact.
Emerald – album on the way
Lotte Anker, tenor sax & soprano sax – Anders Banke, bass klarinet, clarinet & alto flute – Henriette Groth, clarinet & viola – Jacob Anderskov, piano – Nils Davidsen, bass & cello – Peter Bruun, drums.
Light, shadow and deep dark color combinations alternate effortlessly in the soundscape of this new studio album from Jacob Anderskov. The music is saturated with color and yet transparent; A mixture of restrained mystery and tenderness towards the unfamiliar timbres, with room for the musicians’ expressive, improvised contributions.
The album was partly supported by KODA KULTUR. Final master has been sent to the printing factory. Release: March 2023 (exact date TBA). Format: LP & digital (+ Sheet music book: The Gemstone Series – see post below).
Promotion links to final master audio can be supplied on demand for booking purposes – see contact.
Jacob Anderskov På Dansk 23
Studie Session @ The Village, September 2022.
Soffie Viemose, vokal – Jakob Munck, vokal & tuba – Kasper Tranberg, trompet – Jacob Anderskov, piano – Jakob Høyer, trommer.
Højskolesangbogsmateriale, dekonstrueret, rekonstrueret, etc.
Selektionsproces fra indspilninger er i gang. Album forventet midt/sent i 2023.
Stay tuned.

Sheet Music Book “The Gemstone Series”.
In December, the Sheet Music Book “The Gemstone Series – 20 Sonic Complexion Miniatures” will be released by ILK Music / ILK Publishing.
The pieces are for 1 to 6 musicians – the exact number of performers is flexible for all compositions. All pieces include improvised sections. Some of the pieces are released on the Anderskov albums “Emerald”, Kinetics’ “Mysteries”, and Fosterchild’s “Dear Earthling”. Other pieces have been performed, but not yet recorded, by these ensembles, as well as by Resonance and Allusion. The series of compositions is among the offsprings of Anderskov’s artistic research project Sonic Complexion (2018-2021).
June, July, August concert info updated
– including Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Århus & Odense festivals, and some info on the fall 2022. See Calendar
Sonic Complexion exposition published
The final dissemination of the large scale artistic research project Sonic Complexion is now published at Research Catalogue through the RMC portal.
The project presentation can be accessed through this Link to the Final Research Catalogue Exposition of Sonic Complexion.
The project has resulted in a number of albums (most central were, in chronological order: Dear Earthling, Anterior Current, Spirit of the Hive), as well as texts, card decks, multiple mapping systems, models & strategies, and so forth.
The exposition was peer reviewed by three peer reviewers (one internal, two international), winter 2021-22, based on the RMC’s artistic research quality criteria “SITRE”.
More info on other research activities at the Research site.
Spirit of the Hive live at DMA
Link to video of performance by Spirit of the Hive, live at the Danish Music Awards Jazz show, December 2021:
Album out now
Jacob Anderskov: SPIRIT OF THE HIVE. Anders Banke, Francesco Bigoni, Calum Builder, Maria Dybbroe, Carolyn Goodwin, Matthias Sigurdsson: clarinets & flutes. Nils Davidsen: cello. Tomo Jacobson, Asger Thomsen: basses. Halym Kim: drums. Jacob Anderskov: composer & conductor.
Recorded at The Village, November 2020. ILK, vinyl + digital. Release supported by KODA Kultur & Kapelmesterforeningen. JA_SOTH_Press_UK – JA_SOTH_Press_DK.
Listening to Spirit of the Hive is to perceive the world from the perspective of bats, bees, birds and bugs. How does it feel to be inside the swarm? How does the hive perceive the threats from the outside world – especially those coming from humans? Meanwhile, the album meditates on how the larger patterns emerging from animal behaviour are a constant source of awe and wonder to us. But first of all, the album deals with the close interdependence between these animals and our way of life.