Down Beat review

Nice review in Down Beat, April ’14 issue, of Jacob Anderskov:Strings, Percussion & Piano:

“Danish pianist-composer Jacob Anderskov has done the aesthetics-challenged world of so-called chamber jazz a huge favor with his latest album. A beautifully conceived set of music for an ensemble for three string players and piano and drums… Known commodities and concepts are reconsidered here. … at once earthy and cerebral. Throughout, the pianist’s own technical and expressive powers come through in measured, restrained doses. On this project, the leader surrenders to a dialogue of parts and a conceptualized whole, rather than seizing the solo spotlight. His role as composer and ensemble architect is paramount here. The results are impressive and gently groundbreaking.” **** (4 stars) —Josef Woodard, Down Beat, April 2014.

For full review, see: